ARNALL GOLDEN GREGORY LLP 171 17TH STREET, N.W. SUITE 2100 ATLANTA, GA 30363 Direct phone: 404-873-8622 Direct fax: 404-873-8623 E-mail: December 29, 2005 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS AND EDGAR Mr. Jim B. Rosenberg Senior Assistant Chief Accountant Division of Corporate Finance Mail Stop 3-9 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20549-0305 Re: CryoLife, Inc. Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004 Filed March 3, 2005 File No. 001-13165 Dear Mr. Rosenberg: Our client, CryoLife, Inc. ("CryoLife") has received your letter dated December 16, 2005. CryoLife is preparing its response and expects to deliver it on or before January 13, 2006. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (404) 873-8622. Very truly yours, ARNALL GOLDEN GREGORY LLP /s/ T. Clark Fitzgerald, III T. Clark Fitzgerald III cc: Sasha Parikh, Staff Accountant Mary Mast, Review Accountant Steven G. Anderson